1. This I Believe
The This I believe project is one that
awakens the heart and observes who each participant is individually. According to www.NPR.org, “During its
four-year run on NPR, This I Believe engaged
listeners in a discussion of the core beliefs that guide their daily
lives. [NPR] heard from people of
all walks of life – the very young and the very old, the famous and the
previously unknown.” What better
way the start the year off by asking your students what they believe. How many
opportunities do children get to tell others what’s most important to
them? This is an excellent way to
get your students thinking about what makes them unique, and I’m quite sure
that you will instantly learn a great deal about your kids by the end of this
You might start
this activity by showing students an example for inspiration. For his 100th day of school
Tarak Mclain, a seven year old from Austin Texas, chose to write 100 This I believe statements. Listen to Tarak read thirty of his
statements using this link: Tarak Mclain
After hearing
Tarak’s ideas, have students create a list of This I believe statements in their Writer’s Notebook. You can specify a number, if you wish,
or have students write as many as they can think of. Have students choose their top ideas to form a This I Believe poem.
This I Believe by Chelsea Wirtz
believe in exceptions to the rule.
believe in compromises.
believe in laughter and fun.
believe in the motto “everything happens for a reason”
believe in making the most of each day.
believe in being thankful for what I have.
believe in giving back to my community.
believe in thinking of others before myself.
believe in saying “I love you” before I hang up the phone or leave for the day.
believe in walking in someone else’s shoes before reacting.
believe in second chances.
believe in getting to know new people.
believe in “it’s okay to be different”.
believe in the motto “God will only give you when you can handle”.
believe in kindness.
believe in “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at
Another great way
to incorporate this activity into your classroom is to have students write
statements about which rules they think should be applied to the
classroom. This would be an
excellent way to create a “classroom constitution”.
2. 6 Word Memoirs
This activity is
one that would be fantastic to use to get kids to START writing, especially at
the beginning of the year! I mean
hey, you only have to write six words!
Easy, right?
The idea of a 6
Word Memoir is to tell a story in just six words. If you try this out on your own, you
may realize that it’s probably harder than you initially expected.
of 6 Word Memoirs:
back to school is difficult.
knew I was still shy?
weight is off my shoulders.
people need to open up.
community makes the room exciting.
This would
definitely lead to some fascinating stories that I’m sure your students would
be excited to expand on in their Writer’s Notebook!
Visit http://www.sixwordmemoirs.com/ to see how your students can post their
memoirs on the official 6 Word Memoir site!
3. Class Symphony
For this poem,
students will choose their favorite song.
Encourage students to not only consider the most popular songs that are
currently playing, but songs that also have a deeper meaning to them personally.
Then, have the kids write their favorite
line(s) on a sheet of paper or a sentence strip. Post the lyrics on a bulletin board or wall, and there you
go – you have your very own class symphony. It’s amazing how beautiful the words to the many different songs
sound when you read them together as one.
I hope you can
use these ideas to build a safe and fun writing community for your kiddos! Happy writing!
Chelsea- I am so excited you started a blog and can't wait to read more. I gave you the "Liebster Award" from my blog! Check it out here: http://artofteaching-amy.blogspot.com/2014/07/id-like-to-thank-academy.html